Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Bloor West Arts Festival

...Or something like that. I'm not too sure what the exact name of the fesitval was but it was one of those blocked off streets and vendors everywhere kind of thing. It was a pretty great way to explore the Christie Pitts park and the Bloor downtown area. On the way we passed U of T St. George and the Royal Conservatory of Music (of which I had a total fan-girl moment). 

To me street festivals are mainly composed of street musicians and barbeque. Both of which I am very happy with. Sometimes you'll get nicely organized ones (such as the Junction Music Festival --see post) that come with free buttons, pamphlets, timetables and easily distinguished signage. Bloor A&C (arts and crafts if you didn't catch on) wasn't so much or maybe I missed it but it was still nice to roam around. I went pretty late in the evening after work which was great to get all the late deals. And by deals I mean cheap drinks, food, and other local vendor deals. But everyone just goes for the food right? 

Well I went with a friend and we parked in this random alley/parking lot across from the Bathurst subway station which was nice and close to everything yet easily accessible and off the main drag. We walked thrugh Christie Pitt's Park and up and down Bloor West where we were met with late go-ers and vendors packing up. But we did discover a few gems and some that were less shiny. Let me start by sharing that I love tacos. So when I see a sign saying $3 tacos there's no other option for me. I should've kept walking but my inner student kept saying "$3? What a deal!" and so the taco adventure started and aburptly ended. They-sucked. Some weid tofu vegetarian thing they called a taco but looked like a dog spit it out. I won't name the place because the service was nice and it was late. From now on I will think about my taco purchases. Let this be a lesson to you all as it sure has been for me. 

All in all my friend and I got some good chinese dumplings to fill our empty (again) stomachs and some not-so-bad beer. We heard some rooftop music which sounded great (good vocals, minimal accompaniment), and had a good time! Next year I'll make it a day-time gig rather than an evening one so I can enjoy more of the festivities. 

Below I've included a link to a really nice band I heard that nice which completely makes up for the tac fiasco of 2014. If anyone knows their name I'd be much obliged to know! They have a really groovy sound. Also here's some pics because I document my life in pictures. 

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