Tuesday 10 June 2014

Tips & Tricks : Never Lose an Earring Backing

I'm always scrambling to find those little clear plastic earring backings that hold so well. They're definitely a nuisance to put on the back of your ear but it's worse when you drop one. I can't even count how many times I've said 'screw it' when I've dropped one on the floor. 'Guess I'm not wearing earrings today' is the only solution I can think of after that happens. So the other day when I decided to spontaneously clean out my jewelry drawer I decided to do something about it. So voilĂ ! My tip to keep all those little earring backs together! And the best part is you get to eat chocolate. Check out the picture below to see how:

A KINDER SUPRISE EGG. No joke. It clasps closed just enough to not open accidentally and opens easily enough to get what you need in a rush! And what's even better -if this could get any better- is that it's small enough to stay in my earring drawer! Booyah. 

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